Little Fir Cones is our parent and toddler group, open to all and suitable for children aged 12 months and up, with younger siblings and babies welcome too.

Book now

When: 09.15-10.30 every Wednesday during school term times

Please check our school calendar for dates.

Cost: £3.00 per session

We offer a different set of activities for the little ones every week, including soft play, story time, sensory play and sing alongs. Parents can chat and enjoy uninterrupted hot drinks, fruit snacks and freshly baked biscuits!

During the summer term, we hold our sessions outdoors, weather permitting, so the children can enjoy our fantastic forest school and vast spaces to run around and play.

How to get there: Please arrive via the Claremont Drive entrance to the school (use KT10 9LY for sat nav). This will take you through a private residential estate with the golf course on your right. If the gates are closed, you may need to ring the buzzer to gain access. Once through the gates, continue straight on to reach the Junior School Fan Court parking bay situated on your left.

Places are available to book places in advance, but we also welcome walk-ins. We ask that just one family member attends the session with the child(ren). Places will be confirmed via email following completion of the booking form below.