Governor Emeritus
Mr G Hunt
Gordon Hunt was appointed governor emeritus in January 2020, following his retirement after a 6-year term as Chair of the Board of Governors.
Gordon joined the governing body in 2005 but his association with the school goes back much further. He became a teacher at Fan Court School in 1976 where he and his wife were also house parents. After the schools amalgamated in 1978, Gordon taught in the ‘middle school’ before being appointed as deputy head six years later. In 1989, he was appointed deputy head pastoral in the Senior School and then headmaster for a further 11 years.
The title of Governor Emeritus is granted to someone who has had a long association with the school and has made an outstanding contribution to the school’s development for the benefits of pupils at the time and for generations to come. It is an honorific title rather than an officer of the school appointment, and sits apart from the regular Board of Governors. Without official duties and responsibilities, a Governor Emeritus can be an ambassador for the school with engagement and development activities. The school continues to benefit from Gordon’s advice and ongoing commitment to the school and especially his dedication to alumni relations.