Learning in the Nursery
The foundation of each child’s learning and development begins in the early years where they learn through guided play, exploration and discovery. Our outstanding practitioners develop positive relationships with the children, create stimulating learning environments and plan exciting learning opportunities to ensure every child feels safe, happy, confident and ready to learn.
Book a tour or visit
We believe the best way for you to discover our magical school is to make a visit. To book an individual tour please fill out our enquiry form. To book onto an open event please click into our visit and experience page. Alternatively contact Joanna Worsfold in our admissions team by emailing admissions@claremont.surrey.sch.uk or call 01372 473780.
The teaching staff help your child achieve their very best and really care about helping them grow, the children make wonderful friendships and the grounds are second to none! Definitely recommended!
Current parent
Learning doesn’t begin and end in the classroom. Our co-curricular clubs programme operates throughout the year and is run by specialist teachers offering a wide range of activities.
acres of grounds to play and explore
co-curricular activities to choose from
hours per week spent learning outside
Children in the EYFS demonstrate that they enjoy initiating their own activities in the enhanced outdoor activity area and the woodland trail.
ISI Inspection Report, 2017
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