Sports round-up
·28 June 2024
We are so proud of Ruby MG’s recent dressage achievements. Ruby trains with Leanne Wall, a British Dressage Pony. Earlier this year, Ruby and her pony Templehill Sky (Murphy) trained for and competed in a qualifier for the South East region winning as both an individual and a team to qualify for the British Riding Club National Winter Championships.
On 2 April Ruby and her team mates competed at the National Championships at Arena UK in Grantham against the top teams in the UK. They came a very credible fourth place with Ruby and Murphy also achieving an individual second place.
This incredible achievement will be used for her Gold DofE physical section.
Congratulations to Josh H who represented Claremont Fan Court at the ISFA U13 National Shrewsbury Festival over the Easter break. He did extremely well to be selected as part of the squad from all the best U13 Independent School Footballers across the South-East and should be proud of his performance at the festival. Well done, Josh!
Congratulations to Miles M in the Prep School for his recent fencing achievements.
He won a silver medal in the U10 Elite Epee Junior series. This is Miles’ fourth fencing medal this year. He is entering the The England Youth Championships in June, as well as another competition in July. Congratulations!