This page contains all the links and information that visitors to Claremont need to successfully run an extra-curricular activity.

The most recent safeguarding update was held by Henry Vincent and Hayley Tullett on Thursday 5 September 2024.

If you were not able to attend this update in person or via TEAMs, please ensure you watch the recording below.


Safeguarding update recording

Here is the recording of the safeguarding update given by Henry Vincent and Hayley Tullett on Thursday 5 September 2024.


The Claremont Safeguarding Team

Below is the Claremont safeguarding team. Please report any safeguarding concerns to:






Protocols and Guidance

Below is the guidance for all club providers. Please familiarise yourself with this document as it contains very important information.

CFC Clubs Guidelines

compliance and policy reading

Below is the link to the Claremont Compliance page:


Please take the time to read the key school policies and submit the form to confirm that you have done so.

First Aid and accident reporting

If an accident occurs during your club, you must complete this report form. A paper copy is available in your register.

EVOLVE accident book


A defibrillator is located outside the sports hall

Head Injury Policy

Kitt Pen information 


Contact information

Eliza Fontana, Fan Court office:

Jo Jackson, Stable Court office:

Jo James, senior school co-curricular