At Claremont, we were delighted to welcome so many parents and friends to support the Pre-Prep sports day on such a lovely afternoon. 

The Pre-Prep were involved in all sorts of fun races and games that even included a water race. All pupils were so full of energy, as sports day is always a highly anticipated event within the school year. They earned points that contributed to a running total for this year’s house winner. 

What a fantastic day of sport displayed by our amazing pupils. We started the day with a competitive 50m sprint. Year 1 and 2 in particular were able to show an extremely high level of athletics from what had been learnt in their games lessons. 

Congratulations to all the children for participating so well in all the events, everyone really tried their best and showed excellent sportsmanship. Parents and family came along to support, and many took part in our parent race to conclude the day. Unfortunately, some of the adults were not quite as honest or obedient of the rules as their children! 

A special thank you to all that were involved for making it an memorable day. 

More photos are available from our Facebook album.