Claremont consistently achieves excellent results at GCSE.
With 83% of results graded 6 or above, and 59% graded 7 or above, our pupils have a great deal to smile about on results day 2022. 37% of exams were graded 8 or 9 (previously referred to as A*), surpassing even the results awarded over the Covid-years, and at all levels our pupils’ performance was well in excess of pre-Covid outcomes.
Headmaster William Brierly commented ‘After significant disruption over the past two years I am so proud of our GCSE pupils. Their results match, and in some cases exceed, those of 2021, even though Ofqual has downgraded results nationally. This really shows just how hard our pupils and teachers have worked and how much they have achieved.’
2018-19 results
In this cohort, over 45% of GCSEs were graded 9, 8 or 7 (A* or A).

Daniel achieved incredible results of straight 9’s in his GCSEs. What an achievement! He chose to study maths, further maths, physics and economics. He plans to continue the same subjects for his A levels at sixth form. Congratulations Daniel!
“If I have any questions, it doesn’t matter if it’s in class or after class, they will always help. Thank you to all the teachers who helped me in their free time.”

Sophia is over the moon with her GCSE results. She achieved five 9s, three 8s and two 7s. She loved her options which were French, history, PE, Spanish (which she took a year early) and business studies. She is looking forward to starting sixth form in September, where she will be studying Spanish, history and business studies for her A levels. Well done Sophia!
“It helps that the classes are smaller so you get more one on one interaction with the teachers and they are always happy to offer their free time if you need more support or help. They are very understanding and helpful… I am ready for that different stage, feeling more grown up and having the sixth form centre and more privileges as well.”

Congratulations to Toby for achieving exceptional grades for his GCSEs. His options were geography, German, drama and food and nutrition. His favourite subject was geography as he liked the mixture between the human and physical elements. He liked it so much so that he will be going on to study it at A level along with German, English literature and biology. A highlight for Toby was taking part in the fun school productions.
“He has definitely blossomed…We knew from day one that it was the right school for him and I think the results he has got today have shown that decision was correct.” – Toby’s dad

After getting four 9’s, three 8’s and four 7’s in her GCSE’s, specialising in geography, Spanish, music and textiles, Maria can’t wait to start sixth form in September. She plans to study A level Spanish, chemistry, biology and textiles. Maria would like to thank Mr Affonso for boosting her confidence when performing her music. We can’t wait to hear her perform next year.
“I am looking forward to meeting new people, have more responsibility for myself and having more freedom in the way that I am a mature growing adult, rather than a child…The teachers were very supportive. They provided lots of revision material for us, the google classroom method was so helpful.”

Harry is chuffed with his fantastic grades. He chose to study triple science, business studies, French and history for his GCSEs. He is excited to join our sixth form and is looking forward to studying English literature, history, business and possibly economics at A level. He would like to thank Miss Coombs for being an amazing teacher who got him through it.
“We’ve just been really lucky to be at the school through what has been a really difficult time with Covid. The school has been really supportive and kept the education going the whole time. We are thrilled with that and it has been brought out in the results that Harry and his sister Ellie have got this year.” – Harry’s dad

Many congratulations to Tabitha who got one 9, three 8’s, three 7’s and three 6’s on GCSE results day. As a creative person, she excelled in her subject choices which were media studies, drama, textiles and music. Tabitha wants to study media and photography at A level, and is deciding between drama and sociology. We look forward to seeing what work she produces next year!
“I really liked the creativity in media studies and seeing what goes on behind the scenes was interesting. I am looking forward to a step up from the senior school…All my teachers were brilliant and gave so much support.”